Sunday, August 16, 2009

2.8.09-Rite of Acceptance for new enquirers of the Catholic faith in SFX Church.

The 70 plus new enquirers of our Catholic faith were formally welcomed into the community of SFX Church at the Sunday 5.30pm Mass on 2.8.09. The Enquirers accompanied by their sponsors / god parents preceded the Presider in procession into the church. After the formal liturgical process of being welcomed which included being signed on the fore head, palm and ears and also being presented to a representative couple a copy of the Holy Bible, they were formally introduced to the congregation and were welcomed with a round of applause.

The enquirers now known cathecumens then departed from the church to proceed to their class in Loyola Hall where the 2nd part of the Rite of Welcome was held. There our dear Padre, Rev. Fr. Simon Yong blessed copies of the Holy Bible which were then presented to each of the cathecumens as their personal Bible.

The photos of the Rite-of-Welcome can be viewed by accessing :