Sunday, August 16, 2009

15.8.09 Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary

The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary on 15th August 2009 has been a favorite date since the early days for members of the Society of Jesus popularly known as the Jesuits to have been ordained as Holy Priests or taken vows as Brothers of the same order.

For us in SFX this 15.8.09 Feast Day of the Assumption was not only a Day of Obligation, but it was also the date chosen by Rev. Bro Gerard Choo Thean Yoon SJ to take his Final Vows as a Jesuit Brother. The joyful occasion was celebrated at the 9.00am Mass where Bro Gerard Choo took his vows before the main presider, Rev. Fr. Larry Tan SJ, the Jesuit Regional Superior of the Malaysia and Singapore, and his fellow Jesuits including Rev. Fr.O. C. Lim, Rev. Fr. Lawrence Andrew, Rev. Fr Aloysius Mowe, Rev. Fr. Ravi, and Rev. Fr. Albert Tan. There was also a good turn out of the various religious orders including the Jesuit Brothers, Marist Brothers, the FMM Sisters, the sisters from LSP and Daughters of St. Paul to celebrate this important Church eventand also to witness Bro Gerard taking his final vows.

Also present were several family members of the Malaysian Jesuits, not withstanding the guest of honour being the beloved mother of Bro Gerard Choo his brothers and sisters, cousins and their family members who came from near and far to witness their kin’s service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The fellowship that followed the 9.00am Mass was also special in that we remembered the 18th Sacerdotal Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Larry Tan and his up-coming 60th birthday. Therefore two cakes were cut, first by Rev. Fr. Larry and another by Rev. Bro Gerard. All present sang ‘birthday’ songs to each of our beloved Jesuits.

As was mentioned earlier, Rev. Fr. O.C. Lim was also present for the special 9.00am Mass. Fr. O.C. Lim continues to make good progress and recovery from his recent sickness and it was indeed a joy for all to see his presence too. In the thank you for the special occasion Fr. O.C. Lim was warmly welcomed. He managed to say hello and thank you to the parishioners who swarmed around him after Mass to wish him full and speedy recovery before departing early from the fellowship.

Photos taken for the occasion are posted herewith. The full photos album can be viewed at the picasa web album: