Thursday, August 27, 2009

26.8.2009 Fr. O.C. Lim's Thanks Giving Mass and Birthday celebration

Parishioners of SFX joined the family of Rev. Fr O.C. Lim S.J. in giving praise and thanking God for the full and speedy recovery from ailment of one of their favorite priests when they turned up in full force and filled the Church during the Thanks Giving Mass held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 26.8.2009 in his honour. It was also the occasion to celebrate Fr. O.C's birthday for the first time with the parishioners as he was known to be a shy and private person when coming to celebrating his birthdays in the past.

The Thanks Giving Mass was followed by the Thanks Giving and Birthday buffet dinner for Fr. O.C. Lim SJ and the parishioners with the compliments of Fr. O.C.'s family.

Here is a sharing from a parishioner who attended the celebrations:

Peace to you.

Just to share what happen @ Father OC birthday & Thanks giving mass yesterday.
It was raining heavily, jam and yet SFX was packed - like Sunday mass.
So touched to see so many came for Father OC, to show him that we loved him.
That's what Father Albert said in his homily, " seeing this turnout shows how much
they love you. You said that a Prophet is not welcome in his hometown ( Fr OC last homily b4 his heart surgery). It is not true for you! 13 Alter boys came to serve tonight's mass. A record."

His father and family was there too. It was a beautiful mass,we had 3 priests celebrating Mass,it was like a Feast Day!!!

Father OC has lost a lot of weight but look good. He is still weak, even his voice is weak.Can't talk long.

Here's what Father OC said ...
3 doctors told him, he has 10%-20% chance, his Aorta was very thin like a lemon flesh, complicated.
Father prayed the same pray as Jesus on the cross, " Into your hands i command my spirit."
Then he felt peace and calm. He was in the ambulance, but he said that it was like silence, peace...
Before the doctor operated on Father,dr said that he normally ask his patient whether they want him to read the Quran or Bible. Said that since you are a priest,which verse of the Bible you want me to read.
Father asked him to read Psalm 23. This Malay doctor read Ps 23 to Father!!! Father said that it was like Allah reading it to him ... then he got knocked out for 4 days. They had to induce medical coma on him. Imagine,God used a Malay doctor to read Ps 23 to Father!!!

On 4th day he heard a voice calling him "Ah Choy". And only 2 persons calls him that, his dad & mum. It can't be his dad bec he told his brothers not to tell his dad until he is discharged ( if he is discharged). It can't be his mum bec it was a male voice. But if it is his mum, then he knows he is in heaven. He opened his eyes and the 1st thing he saw was a priest collar, then he knew, he's still on earth!!!
It was Father Simon calling him Ah Choy and telling him that a prophet is welcome in his hometown for him cos Everyone praying for him.

Thank God for this amazing mercy and grace. Father OC was on a verge of death. Doctor gave him 10%-20% chance but Jesus was holding him and healed him. Praise God!!! Father calls this a new lease of life. The power of collective prayers!! He thanked everyone for the prayers.What a testimonal.

It was a beautiful mass. And we had Marco Polo dinner in SFX. The family sponsored to thank us for prayers and love for Father OC.
It is so beautiful to see so much love, love of family for father OC, love of parishers for him,love of the priests for each other.
Imagine, the 1st thing Father saw when he woke up after 4days in coma was Father Simon's priest collar. God's affirmation of his vocation, even in his new life.

Thank you Allah, Jesus, Holy spirit, Mother Mary, all Saints and angels for taking care of Father OC.
Continue to pray for Father, for a speedy recovery and may Jesus strengthen him.

God bless you.
Maychien Ong