In the evening, the Easter Vigil Masses were celebrated at 7.00pm and 11:30pm where we witnessed a total of 46 Elect, 9 confirmands and 2 reception candidates receiving the appropriate sacraments of Christian initiation of baptism, confimation and Holy Eucharist. The celebration of the Easter Vigil moves through four distinctive stages (1) the Solemn Beginning of the Vigil : the Service of the Light (2)LIturgy of the Word (3) Liturgy of Baptism and (4) Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The celebrant and con celebrant for both Masses were Fr Simon Yong SJ, and Fr Larry Tan, SJ respectively.
The Service of the LIght began in darkness; the celebrant blessed the Easter fire, the faithful gathered around it and experience the flames dispelling the darkness and lighting up the night. The celebrant then lit the Easter or Paschal Candle from this fire. The Easter Candle is the central symbolic object in the celebration of the Vigil liturgy because it represents the risen Lord in His glory. All the hand candles of the faithful were gradually lit from the Easter Candle as the celebrant sang "Lumen Christi " and the congregation responded with "Deo Gratias" . The Candle was then placed in a gold-intricately carved candlestick next to the ambo.
The Easter Proclamation , the Exsultet, an ancient, haunting and beautiful prayer of thanksgiving for the newly welcomed light , the the holiness of the night surrounding us and the Easter mystery of the economy of salvation, was chanted by the celebrant Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ. "
This was followed by the Liturgy of the Word with 7 readings taken from the Old Testament. The Mass of the Easter Night began with the joyous ringing of the church and altar bells whilst the congregation sang with all their hearts the "Gloria In Excelsis Deo " (Glory to God in the highest). The Gospel was proclaimed after the reading from the New Testament.
After the homily, the Rite of Baptism began with the invocation of the saints to pray for all in the Litany of Saints. The water in the font was blessed by the lowering of the Easter Candle into the font; invoking the Holy Spirit to consecrate the baptismal waters.
The Elect were then baptised; the use of copious water during baptism is the most expressive outward sign of God's sanctifying grace in abundance. The white garment that the neophytes put on symbolises the purity of a soul cleansed from all sin: the person baptised has “put on Christ”, has risen with Christ. The godparent then lit the baptismal candle from the Easter Candle and handed it over to their godchild, signifying that Christ has enlightened him/her.
The neophytes, confirmands and reception candidates were then anointed on their foreheads with chrism oil during the Rite of Confirmation; after which they were introduced to the congregation by the celebrant. All present were also then sprinkled with Holy Water as we renewed our baptismal vows. United as one body, we concluded by gathering around the table to receive Holy Communion as we remind ourselves again what it means to live as people of the Resurrection.
Photos posted are from the 7.00pm Mass. More photos on the Baptism night has been uploaded to Picasa by Stephen Lim, the SFX RCIA team resident photographer and is accessible at http://picasaweb. rcia.sfxpj
More photos from the 11.30pm Easter Vigil Mass is posted for viewing.