Photos from the various celebration days taken by the SFX panel of photographers are presented beginning with this photo blog on the Palm Sunday celebration held on Sunday 5.4.09 at 8.30am which also included the procession around the Church to recall the Lord's entry into Jerusalam, when the people greeted him with cries of "Hosanna" and waved branches and scattered them in his path. On this day too the palms carried are blessed using incense and baptismal water.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
5.4.09 - Palm Sunday
Holy Week celebrations in SFX Church was extra special this year. Besides planning the liturgies for the various Masses for the week, it also planned for the holding of the CHRISM Mass of the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese, which was hosted by our church for the first time. The beginning of the Holy Week celebrations also saw the successful completion of the first phase of the renovation of the roof and ceiling of our church and therefore we also had to plan for the smooth moving back into the church after celebrating the Mass for the past 8 weeks in the basement car park.

Photos from the various celebration days taken by the SFX panel of photographers are presented beginning with this photo blog on the Palm Sunday celebration held on Sunday 5.4.09 at 8.30am which also included the procession around the Church to recall the Lord's entry into Jerusalam, when the people greeted him with cries of "Hosanna" and waved branches and scattered them in his path. On this day too the palms carried are blessed using incense and baptismal water.

Photos from the various celebration days taken by the SFX panel of photographers are presented beginning with this photo blog on the Palm Sunday celebration held on Sunday 5.4.09 at 8.30am which also included the procession around the Church to recall the Lord's entry into Jerusalam, when the people greeted him with cries of "Hosanna" and waved branches and scattered them in his path. On this day too the palms carried are blessed using incense and baptismal water.