This year’s Holy Week celebration in SFX Church was extra special in that besides celebrating the most important festival of the Catholic Church calendar i.e. Easter to commemorate the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we hosted for the first time the CHRISM Mass on Tuesday 7.4.09 with the theme “Kingdom of Priests”. In the Chrism Mass, His Grace Archbishop Murphy Pakiam celebrated the largest liturgical gathering of the clergy and faithful for the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese level. The liturgy including the Readings and Gospel and also the hymns used all the local languages viz. Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin and Tamil besides English and also Latin. The highlight of the celebration was the blessing of oils and consecration of Chrism, while the clergy renewed their vows.
After Mass there was fellowship for the Priests and parishioners. The photos of the celebration are presented herewith and also shots of our Priests. How many Priests do you know or acquainted with?.