The Post Confirmation programme chief facilitator Ms Geraldine Goon and another facilitator Ms Charlene Kok hoped that through the visits of the youths it will encourage the families as they hoped that by spending time with each of the families visited just like Jesus did it will make them feel special and important and in turn could boost their confidence and maybe motivate them to want to better themselves. Hence Geraldine summed up the objective of the youths outreach is 2 pronged, i.e. provide them with material gifts and spend time with them to make them feel special”.
In one of the homes, the family informed SSVP members that their Form 1 child has not bought some exercise books and education materials due to lack of funds. Immediately, the youths responded by opening their purses and took out RM10 each to pay for the items. When asked what moved them to contribute so spontaneously, one of the youths, Vivian Antonia Noel, commented that she was touched by the families’ plight and was sad to hear that the child has not been able to obtain the basic materials needed for school. She hoped that with their monetary contribution, the child will be able to get what she needed quickly and be able to catch up with her studies. Vivian further added that she hopes the child will persevere in her studies and work hard so that she can give her family a better life when she grows up.
The SSVP members present were impressed with the youths’ generosity and compassion to the poor. “Who says the youths of today are spoilt and only think of themselves,” remarked one SSVP member. “Looking at these youths, I am truly inspired by their genuine love and care for the lesser privileged.”