This year’s Novena Of Grace of St. Francis Xavier held from 4th-12th March 2009 has been special and memorable in a number of ways. Foremost in holding the 9 day novena is for us to listen to the word of God in the Eucharist and renewing ourselves to the Sacraments of our Faith, and also by focusing on the life of our patron saint, St. Francis Xavier in his following of Jesus Christ.
The Novena was also the kick-off of our parish preparation to celebrate our 50th Golden Anniversary as a church in 2011. And the novena was celebrated in the ‘Church by the Basement’ as the main church was being renovated. It was also a first for our novena masters from the Redemptorists , Rev. Fr. Simon Tan, CSsR from the Novena Church in Singapore and Rev. Fr. Patrick Massang, CSsR from Ipoh in pairing up as a team to conduct such a novena.
A parishioner who has been an faithful follower of the novena over the years, had this year blogged about her experience in attending the 9 day novena throughout. She has also aptly took note of the arduous task of the two novena masters in conducting this year’s novena which was to foster our dear Padre Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ challenge to the parishioners to a ‘climate change’ within their mindset and hearts and to effect a paradigm shift in the way we worship, give service and the manifestation of God’s love in our lives, which in turn should cause us to reach out to others, as we journey towards celebrating our church’s Golden Jubilee in 2011.
Please access this parishioner's blog at http://creative-spices.blogspot.com/ to share her personal spiritual renewal in the novena besides viewing the photos taken by her in her blog and also of other photos posted in this blog.