Monday, September 7, 2009

6.9.09 - Blessing of Tabernacle and Stations of the Cross Stained Glasses

The Tabernacle at the Sacred Heart side of our church has been moved back to the centre of the Sanctuary last Sunday 6.9.09 at the 8.30am Eucharistic celebration. This was made possible as the new Tabernacle was included in the Retablo recently installed in the sanctuary.

This new Tabernacle was blessed by Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ after which it was used for the first time to keep the consecrated hosts at the end of the 8.30am Mass. With this change of the Tabernacle to the center of the sanctuary all parishioners are asked to genuflect when they come before it or cross from one side of the church to the other.

Later at the end of the 11.30am Mass our Dear Padre also blessed the new stained glasses for the 14 Stations of the Cross.

With the blessings imparted it completes this stage of the church renovations and the Parish wish to thank the benefactors for their kind donations.

Photos of the 8.30AM Mass - Blessing of Tabernacle and the 11.30AM Mass - Blessing of the 14 Station of the Cross Stained Glasses