Monday, September 28, 2009

26.9.09-SFX Treasure Hunt 2009

The SFX Sports Ministry organised this Treasure Hunt event with the professionals for this sport from Time Out Solutions Sdn Bhd as part of the fund raising activity for the SFX 50th Anniversary which will be celebrated in 2011. A total of 29 teams ranging from between 2 and 4 persons each registered to take part. SFX parishioners and also non-parishioners who are fans of this motor sport were among the participants.

Briefing for the participants were held a day earlier on Friday 25.9.09. On the event day on Saturday 26.9.09 participants started to gather as early as 6.00am at the church basement carpark to register themselves and also to eat a light breaksfast. After the formalities of registration, welcome and prayed over, the participants were flagged off by Rev. Fr. Albert Tan SJ, Assistant Parish Priest at 8.00am. Our dear Padre Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ was also a participant and was partnered by Bro Simon Anand, Lawrence Loh and Molly Chan.

The Treasure Hunt run was about 50 KM and it took the participants as far as Glenmarie and Shah Alam before returning to Church via Sec. 14 areas.

The Finish Station was opened from 12.30 noon at the Church basement car-park where all answer sheets were collected for checking and tabulation of marks. All participants then adjourned to Loyola Hall for lunch. Massage services were also made available to soothe tired hands, neck and shoulders. Thanks to the massage and also the good lunch provided, the participants took the opportunity to have fellowship and also make friends with other participants.

All winners were finally given their prizes and the different prize categories were given out respectively by Lawrence Loh PPC Chairperson, Gerard Pereira, Sports Ministry and also Golden Jubilee Fund Raising Sub-Committee Chairperson and our dear Padre Rev. Fr.Simon Yong SJ himself.

Grateful thanks is recorded to the Organising team of the Sports Ministry and also Time Out Solutions Sdn Bhd, all the prize donors and sponsors, and all the participants from SFX parish and also from the outside for making this sporting event a success.