Introduction to the Parish organisational set-up was done by Mr Lawrence Loh the Parish Pastoral Council Chairman. Several groups from the various Commissions were present and each group were alloted tables for them to promote their respective pastoral work, ranging from areas of worship and evangelisation to issues such as promoting family life, helping the poor and needy, social justice problems and also to be in solidarity with the differrently abled. Notable groups present were the Charismatic Prayer Group, Marian Devotion, Family Life, DAWN, Emmaus Centre, Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), REACH and WHEELS, LifelIne and Lifeteen.
Before the neophytes were lead by their respective RCIA facilitators to visit the various groups, they were shown how to use the Sacrament of Reconciliation to come back to God if they had committed . The RCIA facilitators also had accumulated photos from the beginning of the journey of faith till the baptism and the photo albums were made available for the neophytes to buy.