Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Younger members now lead SSVP

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Conference of St. Francis Xavier held its 38th. Annual General Meeting on Thursday 28.2.08. The AGM was chaired by the current President Sis Cherie Wu. The Selangor State SSVP Council Chairman Bro. Bryan Perera and Vice Chairman Bro. Joe Selvaraj was also present to observe the meeting. The other State level Vice-President Bro. Raj Narayanan, was also present foremost as a member of the SFX Conference.

Besides the usual business of an AGM where the members had perusal of the annual report prepared by the Hon. Secretary and also its financial position presented by the Hon. Treasurer, the AGM this year also saw election of Main Office bearers whose election was conducted by Bro Bryan Perera.

The election this year saw the younger SSVP members stepping forward to serve in the capacity of President and Vice President. Bro. Alvin, the Vice President for the term 2007-2008, was elected President for the new term 2008-2009. The official new office bearers list for the year 2008/2009 are as follows:-
a) President: Bro. Alvin Rajan Ratnasingam
b) Vice-President: Sis. Olivia Lim
c) Hon. Secretary: Sis. Anna Hew (re-elected)
d) Hon. Treasurer: Sis. Anna Cheoh(re-elected)

Also appointed were the following:
a) RPX Home Committee Chairman: Sis. Catherine de Cruz
b) Internal Auditors: Bro. Paul Dorairaj and Bro. Ho Fatt were reappointed.

The AGM was followed by a fellowhip amongst the members and guests present at a nearby restaurant. Photos of the AGM are posted for viewing.