The Great Vigil on Saturday evening marks the climax of Lent and the Triduum - the end of the struggle between light and darkness that has been played out since Ash Wednesday. The Easter Vigil was once the only time in the year when the Church performed the gestures of initiation, and welcomed new life through the celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. There are three basic phases to this Holy Saturday service which is meant to renew in each of us a sense of what it means to live and die and rise in the Lord:
1) The Service of Light - the liturgy begins in complete darkness so that we might better anticipate the proclamation of light about to be made. The Easter fire, burning at the church entrance, is blessed, and the new Easter Candle is lit from the fire. The community then joyously welcomes the candle as it is carried into the midst of the assembly, a symbol of the people raised up in resurrection, a church created anew. When the candle reaches the Sanctuary once more, the Exsultet is sung - an ancient, haunting and beautiful prayer of thanksgiving for the newly welcomed light, and the holiness of the night surrounding us.
2) The Liturgy of the Word - Four readings from the Old Testament and one reading from the New Testament are proclaimed in this listening-response phase of the vigil. Here we listen once again as the great scripture stories of our faith describe the ways God has been at work among us since the dawn of creation, drawing us lovingly towards the fullness of our salvation and our destiny. The stories begin in a subdued vein and build gradually to the proclaimation of the Easter Gospel, and the rebirth of the "ALLELUIA".
3) Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist - After the Homily and the Litany of the Saints, the water of baptism is blessed and all present renew their baptismal commitment to renounce darkness and to accept the Lord of Life and Light. Adult catechumens are also baptised at this time. Candidates for full Communion are then sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and are affirmed and welcomed as new members of the community. A sprinkling rite follows during which we are all renewed by the waters of baptism. United as one body, we conclude by gathering around the table to receive Holy Communion as we remind ourselves again what it means to live as people of the resurrection.
At this year's Easter Vigil / Holy Saturday Masses celebrated @ 7.00 pm and 11.30pm, the Parish Pastors and Parishioners of St. Francis Xavier Church and Jesuit community extended a warm welcome to our brothers and sisters in Christ who received the appropriate Sacraments of Christian Initiation as follows"-
Baptism : 72 persons
Confirmation: 6 persons
Reception into Full Communion of the Catholic Church : 6 persons.
Rev. Fr. Simon Yong, Parish Priest sang the Exsultet and a video recording has been posted to 'you-tube' under St. Francis Xavier Church P.J..
The photos posted on this blog were contributed by Stephen Lim, Patrick Lim and Francis Lai .
Stephen Lim has also posted photos on the journey of faith of the 2007/2008 RCIA program on his photo gallery http://picasaweb. spklim and the photos Albums include:
a) Rite of Acceptance (Rite of Welcome)
b) Christmas Party
c) Rite of Election
d) Retreat
e) ScrutinyFirst Part of Baptism
f) Good FridayFont Blessing
g) Easter Vigil / Baptism Night