This celebration was in unity with the Universal Church to promote a deeper understanding of, and reverence for, our Eucharistic Lord.
Together with the other priests in our local Archdiocese, our Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ had for the past 6 weeks preached on the 14th. Encyclical of the late John Paul II (JPII): Ecclesia de Eucharistia and his 6 homilies were compiled into a booklet and made available during the celebration for those interested in being intensely catechesised on the Eucharist.
A Parish mini Eucharist Congress was also held in conjunction with the Feast of Corpus Christi with celebrations/events as follows:-
a) Silent Adoration before Blessed Sacrament in the Church beginning from the Sunset Mass on
24.5.08, after the Sunday 25.5.08 8.30am Mass, and after 11.30am Mass till 5.00pm.
b) Exhibition of Sacred Vessels in Bilik Jenkins and Bilik Tony de Mello from 3.00pm – 6pm on
Saturday 24.5.08 and from 7.30am till 8.30pm on Sunday 25.5.08.
c) Screening of Documentary ‘ Living Presence: Eucharistic Miracles in America in Bilik Bourke
throughout the Exhibition.
The highlight of the celebration was at the 5.30pm Mass where 54 children received their First Holy Communion , followed by Corpus Christi Procession within the Church grounds.
Photos from the celebration are posted for viewing.