Monday, 2.2.09 was the Feast Of The Presentation Of The Lord / World Day of Consecrated Life, and it was a joyful occasion for the parishioners of our Church, as they joined other Catholics in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur to celebrate the Priestly Ordination of 5 Deacons viz. Clement Lim, Thomas Loh CDD, Surain Durai Raj, Lawrence Ng CDD, and Alan Pereira at the Cathedral of St. John’s, K.L. The five deacons chose the theme "...take...bless...break...give...multiply..." (Mark 6:41)to show their faith that Jesus will work through them to feed and nourish the multitudes as well. Among the 5 new priests ordained at the 10.00 am celebration, many SFX parishioners are familiar with Rev. Fr. Clement Lim who during his Regency training was attached to SFX Church. We therefore wish Rev. Fr. Clement Lim and all the new priests faithful service to our Lord.
Back at SFX Church, the Feast Day celebration was held the same evening at the 7.00pm Mass. Parishioners brought candles and placed it at the entrance of the Church to be blessed by the Presider Rev. Fr. O. C. Lim. SJ. The Presider then lead the congregation in procession into the church for the Eucharistic Celebration.
With regard to the practice of burning candles, Rev. Fr. O.C Lim took the opportunity to introduce the prayer card “To Light A Candle” which was meant to help us to restore this long standing practice of Christians in lighting a candle as a sign of prayer and not to make it a mechanical act bordering on being a superstitious gesture.
Photos from the Priestly Ordination at St. John’s Cathedral and the SFX Church service on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is posted for viewing.