Many parishioners were curious as to why the British Broadcasting Corporation video photographer was present to make a recording of last Sunday’s (22.2.09) 8.30am Mass, which was celebrated by Rev. Fr. O.C. Lim SJ who was also subsequently interviewed by BBC and we look forward to the recording being broadcast soon.
The renovation is now at the stage where the roof tiles and all wooden truss are being stripped and removed. Working beyond normal hours and into weekends too, the contractor has been trying to maximize the availability of not only the daylight hours but also to take advantage of as much as possible of the good weather prevailing. However rain has been falling this past few evenings and more bad weather is expected as can be seen from cloudy skies overhead. The rain besides slowing the work has also caused leakages in the Parish Office area, with the most severely affected area being Rev. Fr. O.C. Lim’s Assistant Parish Priest office, thus causing evacuation of the office furniture and fixtures there. Therefore the contractor is being hard pressed to ensure work progresses according to plan and to mitigate further leakages etc of the rain water.
With the renovation works on there will be inconveniences and we continue to ask for your forbearance as well as your cooperation to ensure minimal disruption and inconvenience to all who come to worship.
As the cost of our Church renovation is solely met through fund-raising efforts confined within our parish, your continued help will certainly be most appreciated. You may donate directly through the Parish Office. Cheques may be issued to “Church of St. Francis Xavier” and please indicate “Church renovations” at the back of the cheques.
With renovations going on in the church building, Mass is now celebrated at the basement car park area. The transformation process has been smooth and we wish to record our grateful thanks to all donors (including the sponsor for the stage, backdrop, boarding and shades for the rain) and everyone who has contributed much time and effort in setting up the basement and Loyola Hall for Mass. We also wish to acknowledge the timely approval of the Catholic High School Board and Principal for allowing our parishioners to use designated car park lots during the weekend Masses.
Besides the Mass, the usual Saturday evening Novena to Mother Mary is also continued.
Last but not least we also wish to thank all parishioners for their kind cooperation in minimizing the inconvenience that has come about due to the church building renovations now going on.