Fr Larry Tan in his homily noted that Fr. Lawrence Andrew has a gift of the Midas touch that turned things to gold. This was because he has a heart of gold, serving God and the faithful in so many areas including currently being the Managing Editor of the Catholic Weekly HERALD and concurrently the Parish Priest of the Church of St Anne in Port Kelang.
A power-point presentation about the life and works of Fr. Lawrence Andrew was also shown at the end of the Mass which clearly showed that he had a calling to be a priest while he was still very young. He subsequently deepened his preparation for a priestly vocation by serving as a Altar Server of SFX Church. For the record he was the 1st. head of the Altar Servers society of SFX Church. His ordination to the priesthood also made him the 1st. SFX home grown Jesuit Priest, while the 2nd SFX parishioner joining the Jesuit priesthood was Rev. Fr. Alvin Ho SJ who was just ordained on 3.12.08
After Mass a subscription dinner was held at Sam You restaurant in New Town P.J which saw the crowd of SFX parishioners , friends and Fr. Lawrence Andrew's family members taking up all the 25 tables available in the restaurant. In his thank you address at the dinner, Fr. Lawrence Andrew asked all the faithful to pray for the current court case which HERALD is facing so that an amicable decision will be made for the good of this country. He will also keep all of us in his prayers.
It is also noted that 9.12.2008 was also a special day for our Dear Padre Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ has his birthday also fell on that auspicious day.