Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur His Grace Tan Sri Dato’ Murphy Pakiam officiated the assembly. Preceding His Grace’s address was a welcome address by Parish Pastoral Council chairman Lawrence Loh followed by an address by parish priest Fr. Simon Yong SJ.
The participants were broken up into 12 groups. After the ice-breaking session, each group planned out activities for the month they were assigned to, to further realise the aims of the Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Convention III.
The activities planned involved joint participation and implementation by BECs and parish groups for the benefit of all parishioners and other groups, with special emphasis on the youths, the elderly, differently-abled and migrant communities.
The financial report was the last item to be presented, and the accounts and budget were tabled by Vincent Yang, the Chairperson of the Parish Finance Community (PFC). The PA was also informed about the retirement of Vincent Yang from the PFC and Fr Simon expressed his profound gratitude and appreciation for Vincent’s dedication for the past fourteen years in producing SFX’s accounts in a thorough, accurate and transparent manner.
The Q & A session was also brief and Father Simon commented that the fewer questions from the floor hopefully reflected the approval of the parishioners with regards to the programmes and activities carried out over the past years.
The PA ended with Vespers, followed with Mass and a fellowship dinner.
The smooth running of the PA was the result of diligent preparation by the organising committee. We congratulate them as well as all the leaders and parishioners who attended, and pray that they will continue to help manifest God’s love to the larger community of our SFX Church, and that our church continues to be the ‘talking church’ for Jesus Christ.