The meeting, chaired by Ms Janet Chin, CC of the Liturgy Ministry with Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ Parish Priest presiding, started with worship, followed by the newly elected chief coordinators being formally welcomed.
Rev. Fr. Simon Yong, Parish Priest in his closing address for the meeting emphasised the need to pray together rather than just assuming that by working together we were a family of God. He therefore stressed the need to be early and be punctual for the PCC Meeting held on the 1st. Thursday of every month as the meeting always started with praise and worship.
Members present were also surprised by the Lifeline team who invited all present to celebrate the birthdays of the Parish leaders in the month of January 08. Linda Archibald and her Lifeline members brought forward a chocolate birthday cake and invited all whose birthday was in the month of January 2008 to come forward for a special blessing from our Dear Padre and all present. The birthday celebrants were, (L to R in the first photo below) Hans Tan, Janet Pereira, Lawrence Loh, Jacquita Gonzales and Clive Yap. After the singing of the 'Happy Birthday' and 'May God Bless You' songs, the cake was cut and distributed to all present. 
Although a simple celebration it was a beautiful and meaningful new year gesture of love and care for one another in the PCC.