Thursday, September 27, 2007

2007 IHDC Mass - "Journeying As God's Children"

The 2007 IHDC Mass for the four groups viz. Filipinas Service Committee (FSC), Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), the 'Hearing Impaired, ' REACH and the wheel chair mobile, WHEELS, was celebrated at the 11.30am Mass on Sunday, 23.9.2007. The celebration theme was "Journeying As God's Children" implies no distinction between us and them and all of us are united as creatures of God's creation.

The Presider was accompanied by representatives from all the 4 groups in the entrance procession. The WHEELS representatives read the 1st and 2nd reading of the Mass. The Gift Bearers were two lads from Rumah Pengajian Xavier (RPX), the education home of the SSVP. The FSC choir teamed up with the parish choir to render several hymns in Tagalog and English. Another group of invitees were the migrants from Myanmar.

Fr. Simon Yong SJ in his homily spoke of injustice and stewardship. Injustice is not about the rich having domain over the poor, but also the fact that the poor can also be equally unjust in their treatment of each other. With regard to stewardship, Fr Simon said the 1st Reading and the Gospel are not really speaking of the rich-poor divide. They teach us the fundamental truth of our dependence on God. All else revolves around this truth. Once we have set our heart aright on this truth, we will begin to appreciate that everything we have is entrusted to us and our duty is to give an account of our stewardship. And the truth is when we have set our hearts aright, stewardship will be more of love than of duty. It will be our joyful embrace and not an imposition. He asked that we pray for that grace.

The celebration was in two parts, the Mass proper and the Exhibition cum Fellowship that was held after the Mass. All the groups played an active part in the Mass and also put up information brochures and photos to help explain more about their respective pastoral work. Ample food for the fellowship was catered by SFX Church for the members and invitees of the 4 IHDC groups and also the parisiohners of the 11.30am mass. Several BEC Social Concern Coordinators were also present to help out in the Exhibition cum Fellowship portion of the celebration.

Photos from the celebration is posted for viewing:-

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Religious Art – Stained Glass – For St. Francis Xavier's Church

Three works of stained glass, manufactured by Vitreártus Glass Art Co., Inc. (Philippines), were installed in St. Francis Xavier’s Church, Petaling Jaya in September 2007. With this installation, SFX church enriches and extends its warm welcome to all who come for Masses, prayers, and community relationships. Each stained glass is made up of three panels each.

In all the designs, the artist hopes to show that true peace and happiness are gained through our faith in Christ, which translates and overflows into positive actions for others, and thus to become followers of Christ. The lives of Jesus Christ, Mary our Mother, St. Francis Xavier and all the saints are testimonies to our faith in God the Holy Trinity.

Main Entrance Façade
The theme of the stained glass above the Main Entrance Façade focuses on the life, ministry, and death of St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint of SFX church and SFX parish.

In the centre panel, St. Francis Xavier is seen baptising one of the locals of the Far East. His mission areas are represented by every person garbed in the traditional costumes of countries in the Far East. The inscription at the bottom of this panel sums up St. Francis Xavier’s missionary contribution to the Catholic Church: Apostolus Indigenorum (Apostle of the Natives / Indigenous Peoples).

St. Francis Xavier holds his crucifix in the left panel, a traditional depiction of his life as a Jesuit missionary. The dates of his birth and death are placed beside him to represent his life while the sunburst at the top right of the left panel, the logo of the Society of Jesus, signifies his life as a Jesuit.

The right panel shows the death of St. Francis Xavier as he cast a longing look towards China (represented by the Chinese junk). He laid the foundation for Christian evangelisation into China though he died before he could set foot in China. The crab beside St. Francis Xavier has a cross imprint on its shell. Legend has it that a crab had returned his crucifix to him after he had lost it at sea during a storm. St. Francis Xavier, grateful for the crab’s act, placed his crucifix over the crab and the imprint of a cross was left on its shell.

Left Transept Window
The stained glass depicts Jesus in three ways: (1) the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, (2) the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and (3) the Good Shepherd. The Latin words at the bottom of the stained glass at the left transept window Venite ad me omnes qui laboratis et onerati estis et ego reficiam vos means “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28). The three-way representation of Jesus as well as the inscription reflects Jesus’ mercy, love for us, and invitation to follow him. Furthermore, the Father, Christ himself, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, in a vertical line, underscore the Trinitarian belief of the Catholic Church.

The sheep represents the community of the People of God (the horizontal dimension of our faith) while the green pasture signifies serenity and happiness in eternal life as promised by Christ. This stained glass is located near the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in SFX Church, thus emphasising the theme of Christ at the left transept.

Right Transept Window
The founding Fathers of the Society had a very deep devotion to our Lady, especially St. Ignatius of Loyola. The Society of Jesus is consecrated to the Greater Glory of God in the presence of Mary, our Mother. Hence, she is the patron of the Society of Jesus. This work of stained glass at the right transept depicts Mary, Queen and Mother of the Society of Jesus; a statue of our Lady is also located at the right transept of SFX church. Thus, the importance of Mary’s role in God’s Plan is underscored, even as we worship God the Holy Trinity.

All past and present Jesuits, including the Jesuit saints depicted here, continue to honour her patronage by celebrating the feast day of Mary, Queen and Mother of the Society of Jesus (Regina Societatis Jesu) on 22 April.