The Petaling District Churches of SFX, CKK, Assumption, SIC, CDM with OLOG as the venue jointly organized this year's Corpus Christi celebration on Sunday 10.6.2007 at the 5.00 pm Mass. The various liturgical ministries of SFX played meaningful roles in the celebration. Many SFX parishioners also came to participate in the celebration. Here are some of the photos of the celebration for viewing:-
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Petaling District Catholic Churches Corpus Christi Joint Celebration
The Petaling District Churches of SFX, CKK, Assumption, SIC, CDM with OLOG as the venue jointly organized this year's Corpus Christi celebration on Sunday 10.6.2007 at the 5.00 pm Mass. The various liturgical ministries of SFX played meaningful roles in the celebration. Many SFX parishioners also came to participate in the celebration. Here are some of the photos of the celebration for viewing:-