Parking arrangements in SFX Church has been improved with recent works to realign and re paint the parking bays. Also added were new clear signage and directional arrows to help in the managing of the traffic in the church.
We therefore seek the cooperation of all parishioners to ensure smooth traffic flow in the Church by:-
a) parking only in the assigned parking bays,
b) not to have any empty bays in between parked cars,
c) not blocking the entrance and exit of closed parking lots,
d) not parking in reserved bays, drop off and pick up zones, and parking bays reserved especially for the wheel chaired bound who drive themselves to church.
Please also note that an additional drive through lane has been created in the basement car park for drivers to get out of the parking bays there with ease. Drivers are therefore asked not to park in that lane during weekdays as it will block the access into and exit from the allotted parking bays there.
However that 'drive through' lane is open for parking on all weekend Masses with the request to the drivers to quickly remove the cars or to re park them after each weekend Mass is over. A mobile phone contact left in the dashboard of the car will assist in easy contact in case of emergency.
Traffic Wardens when available, will be on duty during feast days and week end Masses. Hence more volunteer traffic wardens are needed to help out. If you wish to volunteer as a traffic warden kindly contact Mr Soosay Muthu @ 03-79560097 or Francis Lai @ 016-682 9330.