The Parish Assembly started with the address of the PPC Chairman Lawrence Loh, followed by Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ giving his Parish Pastor's address.
The WISE (Worship/Integral/Sectoral/Evangelical) Commission chiefs then took turns each to introduce the various groups under their respective Commission to the Assembly members. The members were then broken up into 12 Workshop groups each representing a calender month of 2008, with three groups each alloted to a Commission to discuss and draw up specific plans of action based on the Archdicesan Theme : DEEPENING OUR DISCIPLESHIP and the monthly Archdiocesan sub themes.
The findings and recommendations of all the workshop groups were again collated according to the WISE Commissions and were then presented by their respective representatives.
Prior to the Workshop presentation was the session for the Financial Report which was presented by the Parish Finance Committee (PFC) Chairman Vincent Yang. Several financial items in the Budget 2008 for SFXChurch were clarified and questions pertaining to certain expenditure answered by the Chairman Vincent.
His Grace Archbishop Dato' Murphy Pakiam then addressed the Assembly. Among other things His Grace congratulated the Parish for their past years pastoral activities that reached out to the marginalize groups of Malaysian society including the migrants and the differently abled both at the BEC and Parish level. He encouraged them to continue to live out their faith by actively participating in BEC level activities, one way of which were the implementation of the pastoral plans drawn up earlier in the Workshops.
The next session of the Assembly was the Q & A, chaired jointly by Rev. Fr. Simon Yong SJ, Vincent Yang and Lawrence Loh. The proceedings of the session/s have all been documented and will be incorporated into the subsequent 2007 Parish Assembly Report.
Rev. Fr. Simon YongSJ and his Assistant Rev. Fr. Albert TanSJ then had their final say in which both while renewing their respective pledge to serve the SFX parish to the best of their ability, also extolled the excellent working relationship they had with each other.
The Parish Assembly ended with the celebration of the Eucharist by Rev. Fr Simon Yong SJ.A sumptious buffet dinner was then held for all who attended the Assembly.
Feedback from the participants were very positive; like it was very well organised and allowed the parish leaders full participation through the Workshop sessions.